Using the Espresso Network as a Cartesi application
Cartesi integration with Espresso
Last updated
Cartesi integration with Espresso
Last updated
The Cartesi team has built an integration that enables Cartesi applications to use Espresso for fast confirmations, low-cost DA, and decentralized sequencing. The integration is fully functional, but it is brand new and is still undergoing review, and should therefore be used with caution. Developers interested in deploying their own Cartesi application using Espresso should get in touch with the Cartesi team via their Discord, where they can find a channel dedicated to the Espresso integration.
The integration enables Cartesi applications to configure their source of transactions to be their specific namespace in the Espresso Network.
The integration is based on the concept that inputs to Cartesi dApps are of two fundamentally different natures:
L2 transactions: these refer to common interactions of users with the application, and refer to application-specific actions such as “swap token”, “post message”, “attack goblin”, etc.; these transactions do not require any direct information or logic from the base layer (i.e., the L1);
L1 -> L2 messages: these refer to information that is relayed from the base layer to the rollup application, such as informing about deposits done via the Portals, relaying the dApp’s address, ensuring base layer validation for a given input, etc.
This integration proposes that L2 transactions are to be processed “immediately” (i.e., as soon as they are sequenced), whereas L1 -> L2 messages are only processed when they are finalized on L1, meaning that they are processed “with a delay”.
Aside from that, from the application’s point of view, few things change:
Back-end: both L2 transactions and L1 -> L2 messages are received as regular inputs;
Front-end: L2 transactions are signed by the client and submitted to an L2 submission endpoint on the node, which will then forward them to Espresso; L1 -> L2 messages are submitted exactly in the same way as current regular Cartesi rollup inputs (i.e., as a transaction that eventually calls the InputBox
contract’s addInput