Arbitrum Orbit chain migration to Espresso

Espresso Nitro Integration

The target audience for this document are developers who would like to migrate an existing Arbitrum Orbit chain to use Espresso's Global Confirmation Layer (GCL). The document should also be interesting for developers who are thinking of deploying a new Arbitrum Orbit chain that uses Espresso's GCL.

The goal of this document is to describe how to migrate an Arbitrum Orbit chain to using Espresso's global confirmation layer for fast confirmations. By leveraging Espresso's fast confirmations, a rollup will only accept a batch after it has been finalized by Espresso. This integration ensures that each batch processed by the rollup is consistent with HotShot-finalized blocks within its namespace.


The quickest way to get familiar with what the migration entails is to run through our migration test.

The script creates up an ephemeral Nitro chain on the local computer and migrates it to using Espresso's Global Confirmation Layer (also running locally on the computer). This test mocks out the TEE part by using a mocked TEE verifier contract and configured the batch poster to bypass the TEE interactions. Thereby it's possible to run through the migration locally, without requiring a special CPU and extra software to support the TEE.

For a safe production deployment the TEE is required and the real TEE verifier contract must be deployed.

The test requires Docker, Foundry, Yarn, openssl and jq to be installed.

For convenience the nix package manager can take care of installing all dependencies except for Docker. Nix can be installed by running

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install

To run the test first some setup:

git clone --recursive
cd nitro-testnode
git checkout integration
nix develop # omit if you have foundry, yarn, jq, openssl installed already

Now you can run the test itself.


You may need to run the following command to ensure the submodules are initialized:

git submodule update --init --recursive

You should see substantial output. The first time you run this, it can take up to 15-20 minutes due to initial setup steps like installing dependencies. Subsequent runs should take less than 10 minutes.

After some time, if successful, you should see Migration successfully completed!.

⚠️ Warning: If you see "Waiting for confirmed nodes" logs for more than 60 seconds, it's recommended to restart the process.

It's encouraged to read through the migration test to get an idea of all the steps involved and what information is required for each step. For the real migration using .env files instead of environment variables to provide the necessary inputs may be more convenient.

Once familiar, you might run some commands to further your understanding. Transfer some eth, for example:

cast send $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS --value 1ether --rpc-url $CHILD_CHAIN_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY


Before attempting a migration please verify that the assumptions listed here make sense for your nitro deployment. If not, please get in touch with us via our contact form.

  1. The Orbit chain to be migrated is using vanilla Nitro stack, or Celestia DA via the Celestia fork of nitro. If your Orbit chain is using Celestia for DA you need to use the celestia-integration branches of Espresso's nitro forks.

  2. You are able to run the batch poster in an SGX TEE environment. This is required to provide TEE attestations that the L2 transactions have been finalized by Espresso. These attestations are verified in the TEE verifier smart contract on the parent chain as part of the batch submission.

Production Setup Requirements

For production migrations, you will need the following system requirements (note: these are not needed for running the test migration):

You will also need these Espresso projects. Depending on whether you use celestia DA or not, you will need either the integration branch or celestia-integration branch. Please take the time to review each project's respective README.

As well as Espresso's nitro-node docker image:

Migration Flow

  1. Run the new batch poster inside SGX and get the MREnclave and MRSigner values (which is the hash of the code running inside the SGX). These values are needed to deploy the EspressoTEEVerifier contract.

  2. Deploy the EspressoTEEVerifier contract.

  3. Stop Nitro node with the batch poster and copy the batch poster's databases files to the TEE.

  4. Perform the sequencer inbox migration.

  5. Run new Batch poster. You will notice it starts catching up messages and building up state.

Verify SGX Setup

First verify you have linux version with in-kernel SGX. To ensure you have in-kernel SGX run the following command to verify you are running a Linux kernel greater than version 5.11.

uname -r

Ensure that your machine has an Intel SGX2 (Software Guard Extensions) enabled CPU to run our batch poster (See here and here). You can verify if your CPU supports SGX2 on Linux by inspecting CPU information:

grep -i sgx /proc/cpuinfo

If your CPU supports SGX, the output should resemble the following. If it does not, your CPU either doesn't support SGX2, or it isn't enabled in the BIOS.

 SGX2 supported                           = true

Install Gramine

To install gramine follow the following instructions:

  1. Install the SGX software stack

  2. If your machine is running on Microsoft Azure, you can refer to this document for configuring aesm.

You don't need to follow the build gramine steps as we will be using Gramine Shielded Containers (GSC)

At this point systemctl status aesmd should report a healthy service (Active: active (running)).

If you see any errors here, ensure your aesmd is configured properly. If your machine is running on Microsoft Azure, you can refer to this document for configuring aesm.

Running the Batch Poster Inside SGX

Building the Poster Image

These steps need to happen inside SGX

Use our default Dockerfile.sgx-poster or the Celestia Dockerfile.sgx-poster to build the sgx-poster Docker image.

First obtain the source:

git clone
cd nitro-espresso-integration
  • Alternative 1: using default Nitro stack

      git checkout integration
  • Alternative 2: using Celestia DA

      git checkout celestia-integration

Then build the image.

docker build -f Dockerfile.sgx-poster -t sgx-poster .

Building the Gramine Image

Once the docker image is built, you need to build a Gramine Shielded Container (GSC) image.

The gsc python script requires a few python packages. For ubuntu 24.04 run

sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-docker python3-jinja2 python3-tomli python3-tomli-w python3-yaml

For more information see the GSC docs.

Clone Espresso's gsc repo and build the Gramine image:

git clone
cd gsc
git checkout master
cp config.yaml.template config.yaml
./gsc build sgx-poster ./nitro-espresso.manifest

Now before building the gramine image, you need to edit your poster_config.json file to include the following fields (given parent chain is arbitrum sepolia):

"batch-poster": {
    "hotshot-url": "",
    "light-client-address": "0x08d16cb8243b3e172dddcdf1a1a5dacca1cd7098",
    "resubmit-espresso-tx-deadline": "2m"
"transaction-streamer": {
    "user-data-attestation-file": "/dev/attestation/user_report_data",
    "quote-file": "/dev/attestation/quote"

You need the sha256 hash of your poster_config.json file. You can get the hash using the following command:

sha256sum poster_config.json

Replace the nitro-espresso.manifest in the gsc with these contents and replace the <YOUR_SHA256_HERE> with the sha256 of your poster_config.json file.

sys.enable_extra_runtime_domain_names_conf = true
sgx.edmm_enable = true
sgx.remote_attestation = "dcap"
sgx.use_exinfo = true
sys.experimental__enable_flock = true
fs.mounts = [
    { path = "/home/user/.arbitrum/", uri = "file:/home/user/.arbitrum"},
    { path = "/config/", uri = "file:/config"}
sgx.allowed_files = ["file:/home/user/.arbitrum"]
uri = "file:/home/user/kzg10-aztec20-srs-1048584.bin"
sha256 = "cded83e82e4b49fee4cb2e0f374f996954fe12548ad39100432ee493069ef09d"
uri = "file:/config/poster_config.json"
sha256 = "<YOUR_SHA256_HERE>"

Next we will need to sign the image in order to run this container inside the SGX enclave.

Generate the signing key (if you don't already have one).

openssl genrsa -3 -out enclave-key.pem 3072

PLEASE KEEP THIS KEY SAFE in some local private storage, but delete it from the server after you have signed.

Sign the container

./gsc sign-image sgx-poster enclave-key.pem

The final step is to run the container inside the SGX enclave. This requires a config folder which contains the poster_config.json file (available from the legacy batch poster).

Finally we also need a .arbitrum folder which contains the state of the batch poster. At this point it can be an empty folder but once the legacy batch poster is shut down, we should fill this up with the contents of the legacy batch poster and re-start the poster.

Run the batch poster using the following command, replacing $CONFIG_PATH with the actual path to these folders on your host machine.

docker run \
    --device=/dev/sgx_enclave \
    -v /var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket:/var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket \
    -v $CONFIG_PATH/.arbitrum:/home/user/.arbitrum \
    -v $CONFIG_PATH/config:/config \

At this stage, you will see an attestation report similar to the following. The hex value, is the report data which contains the MR_ENCLAVE (the hash of the code running inside SGX) and the MR_SIGNER. After you see the attestation report, you can shut down the batch poster.

Successfully read attestation report.

You can decode all this information using the following steps:

  1. Create a report.txt file with the hex value and create a bin file as follows:

    xxd -r -p report.txt report.bin
  2. Use this bash script to decode the binary, it will print out the MR_ENCLAVE and MR_SIGNER.

Deploying the EspressoTEEVerifier contract

Contract Deployment

You will need to use our version of nitro contracts. The instructions below assume you are using celestia for DA. If not, simply checkout on integration branch instead.

Please clone this repo at the given branch to follow the next steps.

git clone --recurse-submodules
git checkout celestia-integration

To run this script to deploy a rollup on arbSepolia follow the given steps:

Compile the contracts using yarn

yarn install && forge install
yarn build:all

Create a .env file with variables from the previous steps

DEVNET_PRIVKEY="" # Private key with funds on Arbitrum Sepolia.
MR_ENCLAVE="MR_ENCLAVE_VALUE" # MR_ENCLAVE value from the last step
MR_SIGNER="MR_SIGNER_VALUE" # MR_SIGNER value from the last step
ARBISCAN_API_KEY="" # [Arbscan API Key](

Deploy the contract

npx hardhat run scripts/deployEspressoTEEVerifier.ts --network arbSepolia

Sequencer Inbox Migration

Obtain the Contracts

In this section we will be working out of our orbit-actionsrepo. Again the choice of integration or celestia-integration depends on DA.

git clone

Be aware that the contract to deploy the sequencer inbox needs to locally deploy a mock ArbitrumChecker to prevent foundry from declaring calls to precompiles as invalid opcodes. This shouldn't affect on chain deployment from these scripts, nor should it affect the onchain execution of the migration action.


Create a .env file in the orbit-actions directory that contains the following values:

#The private key for use during the migration. This should be the rollup owner's private key for steps involving performing the migration.
# Environment variables for chain name and rpc_url
# These are essential for the upgrade
# Addresses to the upgrade executors on both chains.
# These are essential for the upgrade
# Environment variables for the sequencer inbox migration action contract

# The reader address should be set to the zero address for orbit chains, for other chains, set this to the same address as your current reader for the sequencer inbox

MAX_DATA_SIZE="104857" #for orbit chains, use this value, for chains posting to ethereum, use 117964
# The old batch poster address will be removed from the sequencer inbox proxy to ensure only the batch poster running in the TEE will be allowed to post batches.
# The new batch poster address and batch poster manager address will be provided to you to run the migration.
# This should be the address of the contract you deployed in the last step.
# This will allow you to deploy a reverting sequencer inbox migration action if desired (there are additional steps in the migration readme)

Source it.

source ./.env

Install all dependencies.

yarn prepare
yarn build

Run the migration deployment scripts

Run the migration deployment scripts for the parent chain. Including both DeployAndInitEspressoSequencerInbox.s.sol, and DeployEspressoSequencerInboxMigrationAction.s.sol. From the base directory of the orbit actions repo, you can use the following commands to run these scripts:


forge script --chain $PARENT_CHAIN_CHAIN_ID contracts/parent-chain/espresso-migration/DeployAndInitEspressoSequencerInbox.s.sol:DeployAndInitEspressoSequencerInbox --rpc-url $PARENT_CHAIN_RPC_URL --broadcast -vvvv --skip-simulation

Before you proceed: make sure to store the address of the new SequencerInbox in the environment variable NEW_SEQUENCER_INBOX_IMPL_ADDRESS


forge script --chain $PARENT_CHAIN_CHAIN_ID contracts/parent-chain/espresso-migration/DeployEspressoSequencerMigrationAction.s.sol:DeployEspressoSequencerMigrationAction --rpc-url $PARENT_CHAIN_RPC_URL --broadcast -vvvv --skip-simulation

Before you proceed: make sure to store the address of the new SequencerInbox in the environment variable SEQUENCER_MIGRATION_ACTION

Execute the Upgrade

The final step for executing the migration involves using cast to call the perform() function of the sequencer inbox migration action via the upgrade executor. You can use the following command to accomplish this:

cast send $PARENT_CHAIN_UPGRADE_EXECUTOR "execute(address, bytes)" $SEQUENCER_MIGRATION_ACTION $(cast calldata "perform()") --rpc-url $PARENT_CHAIN_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

After running this command, your rollup contracts should be set up to accept batches from your new batch poster.

Run the Batch Poster with Legacy State

As stated in upstream documentation, you need to copy the contents of the .arbitrum folder of the legacy batch poster to the .arbitrum folder of the new

Then re-start the batch poster.

Verify the Migration

You should be able to see batch sent logs once the batcher starts posting batches. This would indicate that the batcher has started successfully.

Last updated