Cortado Testnet Release

Espresso testnet 3 (Cortado)—September 2023

With the release of Gibraltar (testnet 4), the Cortado testnet is currently paused.

In September 2023, we announced the Cortado release of Espresso.

The primary highlight of the Cortado release is the integration of a second rollup stack with Espresso: the OP Stack. This integration is a direct result of the work that Espresso completed in developing a leader election interface for the OP Stack, for which Espresso was awarded an Optimism RFP in July 2023. Details on the OP Stack integration can be found here.

We've deployed a public Cortado testnet, integrated with two rollups of different stacks: an OP Stack rollup (called Vienna, deployed in collaboration with Caldera) and a Polygon zkEVM rollup. Instructions for interacting with this testnet can be found here.

Last updated